BACK HEALTH & YOGA … what you didn't know and here’s why you actually do!

BACK HEALTH & YOGA … what you didn't know and here’s why you actually do!

BACK HEALTH & YOGA … what you didn't know and here’s why you actually do!

The spinal column is a complex, intricate construct that includes a variety of nerves, bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, and muscles woven together. The spine is designed to be remarkably strong, with a great deal of flexibility in the lower back and neck areas. Less flexibility is found

Typical Anatomical Problems that Cause Back Pain

Many of the intricate structures in the spine can lead to pain, and pain can be concentrated in the neck or back, and/or radiate to the extremities or be referred to other parts of the body. For example:

  • The large nerve roots that go to the legs and arms may become irritated or pinched i.e. sciatica
  • The smaller nerves that innervate the spine may be irritated due to inflammation or degeneration
  • The large paired back muscles (erector spinae) may be strained due to overuse or an injury
  • The bones, ligaments or joints themselves may be injured
  • The disc space in between the vertebrae may become painful & compacted from sitting for long periods hunched over or with poor posture
  • Any of the various joint complexes in the spine may degenerate and lead to pain

Yoga practice focusses on maintaining strength, balance & flexibility in all areas of the body and is particularly good for back health. Just a little REGULAR gentle mobilising and breath work through mat or chair yoga can stop degeneration in it’s tracks and in some cases reverse this degeneration.

Start a routine that stops this rot!! My back health is the best it’s ever been now in my 50’s because of regular yoga activity and I was plagued with lower back, sciatica and spinal inflammation pain throughout my 30’s and 40’s.

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